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Cookies table

Below is the table of cookies used on our site.


funzione nome tipo durata descrizione
access to the site 2e434cbbdcea31d91261d8fcc5aee768 cookie 1year it serves to store viewing the site in italian or english
a2f3cd8f3a24680e31d8e0af1d0766a0 cookie session necessary for communication between client and server and operation of the site
accept cookies fmalertcookies cookie 30days it serves as a reminder that a visitor has accepted the use of cookies on the site
button facebook datr third-party cookies( 2years need to interact with the Association on facebook (activated by clicking the button f): it refers to its cookie policy
reg_ext_ref third-party cookies( session
reg_fb_gate third-party cookies( session
reg_fb_ref third-party cookies( session
wd third-party cookies( httponly

This website uses cookies to manage authentication, navigation, and other services. Using these services, you agree to the use of cookies on our part.